Salted Caramel FrappShake


  • 750g Colac Neutral White Base (SGC1006/SGC1006P)
  • 2000ml Pasteurised Whole Milk
  • 1750ml Water
  • 450g Colac Salted Caramel Paste (SGF1818)


There's nothing more decadent than a delicious, super-thick ice cream milkshake. Except maybe an ice cream milkshake with salted caramel. Our Salted Caramel FrappShake combines premium gelato with quality salted caramel flavouring, for a really rich and tasty treat that you can customise and decorate however you like!

How to Make a Salted Caramel FrappShake:

  1. Heat the milk to 70°c 
  2. Add the Colac gelato base and blend for 2+ minutes 
  3. Add the water, salted caramel paste and blend 
  4. Pour into the FrappShake machine and churn 
  5. Serve and decorate as your customers prefer!

Enjoyed this recipe? Drizzle your glass or cup with Colac's Salted Caramel topping sauce, top with whipped cream, caramel fudge pieces and even more topping sauce!

Approximate costs

5 litre batch
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.