Gingerbread and Chocolate Orange Un-Cupcakes


  • 125g Self-Raising Flour
  • 250g Softened Butter (unsalted)
  • 125g Caster Sugar
  • 2 Whole Eggs
  • 55g Speculoos Paste - (SGF1820)
  • 7 drops of Ginger Flavour Oil - (SCF0660)
  • 4 drops of Cinnamon Spice Drops - (SCF1293)
  • 7 drops of Sorrento Orange Flavour Oil - (SCF0647)
  • 25g Candied Ginger Strips - (SCF0816A)
  • 15g Candied Orange Peel Cubes - (SCF0814A)
  • 50g Callebaut Choffies Dark Chocolate Bakestable Drops - (SCM482)
  • 125g Icing Sugar
  • 0.5g Tonka Bean Liquid - (SCF0450E)
  • 25g Callebaut W2 - (SCC1520)
  • Gingerbread Man Transfer Sheet (Or, your preferred sheet)
  • Honeycomb Granules - (SCM426)
  • Caramel Blossoms - (SDS942)
  • Dark Chocolate Pencils - (SDS960)
  • White Chocolate Crispearls - (SDS885)
  • Popping Candy - (SCM554)


As we head into Autumn, it's the perfect time to start getting cosy with some warm, flavoursome bakes.  This recipe for our un-cupcakes is a perfect blend of spices, flavours and - of course - chocolate!

These light and fluffy cakes are filled with indulgent dark chocolate drops, encased in a warming gingerbread and orange sponge.  Topped with a sweet, spiced buttercream and garnished with white chocolate, these cakes will give your customers the perfect seasonal taste, as temperatures drop.

For this recipe, you will need the following equipment:

  • Mixer - we use a standing bowl mixer
  • 80ml x 40ml baking rings
  • Greaseproof paper (to line the inside of your rings)
  • Gingerbread man transfer sheets (or your preferred design)
  • Piping bags


For the Sponge

For the Buttercream

For the Toppings


Step 1 - Sponge

  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C
  2. Using the mixer combine the sugar, butter, ginger oil, orange oil, cinnamon drops and speculoos paste until relatively light and fluffy
  3. One by one, add the eggs to the mixture
  4. In a separate bowl, sieve the flour and mix in the chocolate drops, candied ginger and orange, taking time to separate any lumps and dispersing everything as evenly as possible
  5. Add the flour mixture to the batter in the standing mixer - this can also be folded in by hand
  6. Once combined, scoop the mixture into a piping bag - this will give you more control when transferring batter into your tins.  Alternatively, a spoon can be used
  7. Pipe the batter into the rings, filling them just over halfway
  8. Put the batter into the oven for around 15-20 minutes, until the cakes have risen and are a golden-brown colour
  9. Set aside to cool whilst you make your filling and topping

Step 2 - Plaques

  1. Temper the white chocolate
  2. Prepare the gingerbread man transfer sheet on a smooth, hard surface
  3. Pour the tempered chocolate onto the transfer sheet and spread evenly, using a palette knife
  4. (Optional) sprinkle the chocolate with candied orange and ginger, and leave to set
  5. Once set, carefully peel back the transfer sheet - the gingerbread man stencil should remain on the chocolate, ready for decorating

Step 3 - Buttercream

  1. Combine the butter, cinnamon drops, ginger oil, tonka bean liquid, orange oil, speculoos paste and icing sugar.  Make sure to sieve the icing sugar to avoid lumps
  2. Mix on a high speed for approximately 5 minutes, remembering to scrape down as you go
  3. Once smooth, transfer into a piping bag

TIP: Use Callebaut W2 Crema instead of buttercream for speed and ease!


  1. Cut each sponge in half
  2. Carefully pipe the bottom half of each sponge with the buttercream.  Avoid overfilling, so that when the tops are added, they don't push the filling over the edges
  3. Gently place the top halves of each sponge on top of the buttercream
  4. Decorate the tops of the cakes, piping the remaining buttercream onto the sponges
  5. It's time for toppings!  Sprinkle honeycomb, caramel blossoms, orange, ginger, Crispearls and popping candy on top of your cakes, accompanied by one or two chocolate pencils
  6. Finally, either cut or break off pieces of your stencilled white chocolate, and gently garnish your cakes


Enjoyed this recipe? Add a splash of warming Cointreau to the sponge mixture for an even more indulgent Autumn treat!

Approximate costs

Makes 4 sizeable cakes
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.