Dubai Pistachio Chocolate Bar


  • 500g Cacao Barry Alunga 43% Milk Chocolate
  • 50g Callebaut Caramel
  • 125g Pistachio Paste
  • 75g White Chocolate
  • 35g Cacao Barry Crushed Wafer Filling


The viral pistachio chocolate bar, made the Keylink way!

Pistachio spread, paillete feuilletine, caramel and chocolate in one moreish, indulgent bar – what's not to love? Our twist on the popular bar swaps the traditional knafeh for crushed wafer, and adds a layer of glorious caramel for that perfect balance of sweet and savoury. 

See our version in action on the Keylink YouTube channel!

How to Make a Dubai Pistachio Chocolate Bar:

Makes approx. 10 bars. We used Curvy Snacking Bar mould SMP3016.

  1. Temper the milk chocolate in your chosen method, shell your decorated moulds and leave to set
  2. Slightly warm the caramel and pipe a line into the top of each shell
  3. Mix your pre-tempered white chocolate with the pistachio paste (if you prefer a runnier consistency, you can add a small amount of butter or oil)
  4. Mix in your crushed wafer and pipe into the shells using a large nozzle or cutting a wide tip to allow the wafer filling to pipe freely
  5. Leave to set before capping and demoulding

Enjoyed this recipe? Decorate your bars anyway you like! We used Roxy & Rich coloured cocoa butters in Forest Green and Orange Pearl.

Approximate costs

Makes 10 bars
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.