Vegan Dark Chocolate Soft Serve


  • 1.6kg Callebaut ChocoGelato Fondente (SGC2004)
  • 2.9kg Water


This soft serve gelato is naturally dairy-free and vegan! Using Callebaut's revolutionary ChocoGelato base mix and water, you can create a batch of unbelievably indulgent chocolate gelato that your customers will never be able to guess was made from a powdered mix!

How to Make Vegan Dark Chocolate Soft Serve Gelato:

  1. Heat the water (70-85°C) 
  2. Add the ChocoGelato Fondente and blend for 2+ minutes 
  3. Leave to cool for approximately 30 minutes 
  4. Pour into your soft serve machine and churn 

Enjoyed this recipe? Make it your own with a choice of ripples, decorations and inclusions, and topping sauces!

Approximate costs

4.5kg batch
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.