Mini Salted Caramel with Cointreau ®


  • 300g Caramel (SCM312)
  • 14g Cointreau ® 60% (SCL100P)
  • 1 Tray of 108 Mini Milk Truffle Shells (SCS571)
  • 200g (approx) Milk Chocolate (for closing & enrobing) (SCC521)
  • 5g approx Copper Powder Colour (SCR462)
  • Cocoa Powder for rolling (finishing) approx. 100g (SCC464)


These moreish mini truffles combine two of the most popular flavours - orange and salted caramel - with the much-loved classic taste of Callebaut's 823 milk chocolate. Quick and easy to make, thanks to the ready-made mini truffle shells and convenient caramel filling, your shop window will be filled in no time! Well, that is until your customers spot these delicious mini treats.

How to Make Mini Salted Caramel Truffles with Cointreau:

108 Chocolates in 35 mins 

  1. Warm caramel to 25°C and then add the Cointreau®, mix well
  2. Pipe into the ready-made mini truffle shells ¾ full, ensuring mass at 28-32°C
  3. Drop in one crystal of sea salt and then fill with more caramel to the top, leaving space to close
  4. When set, close off the truffles and allow the cap to set
  5. Enrobe with more milk chocolate and roll in a mixture of cocoa powder and copper powder 

 Enjoyed this recipe? Save even more time by swapping the caramel and Cointreau combination for Marc de Champagne Creme a la Carte!

Approximate costs

108 truffles (approx 800g)
per Truffle
Please note: All costs are based on current Keylink List prices and up-to-date supermarket prices for non-Keylink products. These are given in good faith. These recipe costs could be lower if you benefit from Keylink discounts.