Create your own unique, custom chocolate moulds with the revolutionary Mayku Formbox! This desktop vaccum former machine uses heat, vacuum suction and recyclable cast sheets to make one-off moulds from any item you choose, allowing you to turn everyday items into eye-catching and attention-grabbing chocolates. From fruit to fridge magnets to seashells, the Formbox from Mayku will turn your chosen item into a reusable mould, perfect for making chocolate shapes, wax melts, soap, and so much more.
The cast sheets are transparent, flexible and food-safe, and they’re easy to cut so any excess can be removed, saving storage space. Each sheet costs approximately £1, so it’s more affordable than ever to create custom, personalised chocolate bars and shapes for your customers.
See how to use the Formbox in our video Making chocolate shells with the Mayku Formbox.